Property data
Venta Sitios comerciales Chiguayante
U$S 123UF 3.00
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Type of property: Shops Operation: Sale Type of seller: Real estate agency Lan area: 3,470 m² Price per m²: U$S 0.04

Venta Sitios comerciales Chiguayante

Excelente sitio de 3470 mt2, ubicado en un exclusivo barrio de Chiguayante. Ideal para proyecto inmobiliario, casa de habitacional con gran terreno. Mas informaciòn reales interesados.


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When contracting a property, it is important to be very careful and always corroborate the information of who is offering it.

It is also key to be suspicious if the photographs do not seem real, if the prices are very low, if they ask for money in «advance», if the owner does not identify himself with a landline or if he refuses to give any type of information.

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